CONTENS auf Docker

CONTENS on Docker

Docker makes it easy to deploy applications through containers. These containers contain all the necessary software components, are easy to transport as files and are easy to install. These are good reasons why delivery via Docker is becoming increasingly popular.

Docker configurations by CONTENS

CONTENS delivers several Docker configurations for the CMS for different purposes.

  • Basic configuration with an empty CONTENS database - ideal for creating a new CMS project
  • Development configuration with application server, web server, full text search, cache
  • Development configuration with additional Kibana and Logstash containers

These three examples use Docker Compose YML files and offer a very easy way to test the CONTENS CMS. After executing the compose command, the containers can be started and stopped with the start / stop commands. In addition to Docker Compose, Kubernetes, AWS ECS and other common tools can be used for orchestration.

Advantages of CONTENS on Docker

Docker containers offer numerous advantages, the most important of which are:

  • Independent of operating systems

  • Fast, uniform installation of CONTENS

  • Simpler software updates (through simple changes in the configuration file)

  • Scalable by adjusting resources (horizontally and vertically)

  • Fast setup of identical application environments for development and testing

  • Easy transfer of optimized and tested configurations into the productive environment.


In order to use CONTENS on Docker, the following requirements must be met.

  • Docker Repository (on-premises or in the cloud, e.g. AWS ECR)
  • Server with Docker daemon installed

We gladly support you

If you have any questions about using CONTENS on Docker or need help with the setup, please use our contact form or write to