What advantages does CONTENS solutions offer?
Convincing user experience
- Efficient data maintenance via high-performance web forms instead of outdated applications
- Proven CONTENS user experience for lists, tables and detail views
- structured collection of unformatted data that can be used in many places (e.g. website, affiliate portal, smartphone apps, ...)
- Integration into the CONTENS CMS with use of authorizations and workflows
- Alternatively also available as standalone solution or connectable to third party systems
High functionality
- Data records can be created, displayed, edited, deleted, copied, pasted, blocked, published, deactivated, duplicated, searched, and filtered all in the backend.
- Several tagged records can be copied, deleted, published or deactivated at the same time. Individual multiple assignments can be integrated.
- Sortable and filterable tables
- Quick search with Elastic
- Linking of data records in CONTENS objects (to link a product in an article with the corresponding product data record)
Comprehensive design options
- Variety of form design fields such as Text Line, Text Area, Single Select, Multiple Select, Category Assignment, Tags, File Upload (e.g., files, pictures, videos), ...
- Configurable form fields (e.g., required field, minimum / maximum number of characters, multilingualism, individual title and description, multiple use, ...)
- Grouping of form areas, e.g. for very important content and less important content
- Setting whether areas are open or closed while editing the record
- Generation of lists, tables and detailed views with the CONTENS FormBuilder, which enables quick and convenient extensions at any time